IT Infrastructure

Our organization benefits from the extensive experience of a dedicated team of IT specialists who have been internally trained to meet the specific needs of information systems designed, planned, and developed across various management areas related to Health and Claims.

Our network relies on a secure infrastructure, fully developed using certified technology. It is structured through the integration of multiple Data Centers (development, staging, production, business continuity) connected via VPN and safeguarded by state-of-the-art firewalls. The entire infrastructure is also subject to periodic review processes to ensure the highest level of security and maintain the utmost service quality.

We ensure connectivity through a 2Gbps fiber optic connection, the fastest and most reliable available today in the Italian territory, complemented by an HDSL backup line. We uphold intranet/intranet security protocols through a range of advanced hardware and software solutions, each offering enhanced functionalities:

  • Firewall
  • Antivirus & Antimalware
  • Web & content filtering
  • Bandwidth limiter
  • Intrusion Prevention System (IPS)
  • Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR)
  • Internet monitor & access management
  • Web & VPN Load-balancing
  • Network segmentation

Additionally, our Data Centers employ an advanced Disaster Recovery system that encompasses bare-metal backup, vCenter configurations in High-Availability (HA), and incremental replicas of all virtual machines.




Software Development

For over 20 years, we have been engaged in the design and development of information system architectures, tailored to the specific needs of our clients, for managing post-sale services in the Health and Claims sectors.

Our areas of expertise encompass:

  • Websites, web services, and desktop and mobile applications.
  • Web services and microservices built on REST, SOAP, GraphQL, and gRPC architectures.
  • Desktop applications and client-server systems for managing software.
  • Native mobile applications (Android and iOS).
  • Management control tools, accounting, payment flows, workflow, and business intelligence.

All our applications are crafted in-house by a dedicated software development team using modern frameworks, Agile work methodologies, and processes aligned with the DevSecOps paradigm.

This approach not only ensures the ability to tailor our services to the unique requirements of our clients but also allows us to maintain ownership and control of the entire product lifecycle – from source code to production release. This is a critical prerequisite for effectively conducting activities like patching, monitoring, hardening, and evolutionary maintenance, which are increasingly essential in today’s security-conscious international landscape and the evaluation of risks associated with information system vulnerabilities.

IT Consulting

Assirecre Consulting specializes in the design and implementation of service-oriented architectures (SOA), combining consulting services, development coordination, and the integration of information systems using Microservices, Web Services, and REST APIs.

In an increasingly interconnected world, where data flows rapidly across various platforms and applications, it is essential for companies to integrate and synchronize their information systems to ensure a seamless user experience, both in terms of appearance and functionality. To achieve this objective, Assirecre Consulting offers solutions based on Microservices and Web Services developed using proprietary technology, with the aim of providing a modern and scalable approach to system integration.

Microservices enable the decomposition of applications into independent modular components that can be developed, tested, and implemented separately. This approach enhances flexibility, reduces development timelines, and allows companies to respond promptly to changing market demands without compromising security, reliability, and performance.

Web Services offer a standardized interface for communication between distributed systems. Leveraging their HTTPS protocol-based architecture, universally recognized standards like SOAP and REST, open formats such as JSON and XML, and a well-documented set of instructions accessible through dedicated Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), Web Services facilitate integration among diverse applications, enabling secure and efficient information exchange.



“Due diligence” refers to investigative activities that concentrate on a particular sample of claims or individual claims. The aim is to collect, analyze, and validate the information initially requested and shared with the client. These procedures are scrutinized concerning the specific attributes of individual contracts, ultimately furnishing the client with a comprehensive report that details the outcomes of the conducted investigation.

Technical audits

Technical audits of claims are typically performed on the reserves allocated to each individual claim. Reserves are provisions reflected on the balance sheet for open claims that have not yet been settled.

Technical audits are particularly crucial, especially in liability insurance, where the investigation and settlement of claims can be time-consuming. In accordance with civil law, reserve assessments must be constantly updated and determined with prudence and a well-established technical knowledge of risks to effectively represent and safeguard the obligation. Based on these principles, technical audits are conducted on behalf of insurers and reinsurers, followed by the provision of detailed reports.




AssirecreGroup’s support in the Client’s Risk Management processes, particularly for the role of “error responsibility,” holds significant importance. Indeed, by engaging in dialogue with the Client’s structures and organizations and making the information gathered during claims handling available, we can analyze, and when necessary, modify or expand procedures to mitigate risks, implement essential system enhancements, and foster, in broader terms, a culture centered on safety in delivering services to end-users.

As widely emphasized in relevant doctrine, the application of Risk Management necessitates a fundamental shift in paradigm: recognizing errors as sources of learning to prevent the recurrence of circumstances that led to mistakes.

Only through a process of reconstruction, including statistical analysis of claims documentation, and specifically, through the examination of the particulars pertaining to each individual claim position, can risk mapping be conducted using a model divided into four phases, for instance:

  • Phase 1 – Analysis of processes and activities.
  • Phase 2 – Identification of hazardous situations and possible error modes.
  • Phase 3 – Estimation of the probability of error occurrence and the severity of damage.
  • Phase 4 – Evaluation (of the degree of acceptability) of the risk.

AssirecreGroup is dedicated to providing comprehensive support for claims mapping activities to conduct a thorough and precise analysis. The dedicated web portal we offer to our clients serves as a valuable support tool.



We are capable of offering high-level support, including international classifications like ICD9 – CM, to insurance companies, funds, reinsurers, and brokers in developing pricing structures and forecasting the ultimate performance of ongoing coverage (IBNR estimation).


There are various ways, some more effective than others, to negotiate agreements with healthcare service providers and subsequently monitor any deviations from expected costs or delivered Service Level Agreements (SLAs). Different approaches typically yield varying economic outcomes, which can sometimes render the anticipated economic benefits of adopting the ‘Direct Assistance’ mode illusory or negligible. Thanks to established quantitative and qualitative methodologies refined over the years, we can offer our clients an evaluation of the effectiveness of the healthcare network they employ.





Experience teaches us that different types of insured or assisted populations have diverse needs, even in terms of healthcare facilities accessible through the Direct Assistance service. Treatment costs, and therefore claims, vary depending on the types of facilities and providers available in each specific geographical area. We are able to assist clients in customizing their network based on their planned budget.



With over 15 years of experience in this field, we offer consulting services to organizations interested in establishing Supplementary Health Funds, Health Assistance Funds, and Mutual Aid Societies, with a specific focus on organizational and managerial analysis.



Over the years, we have cultivated important collaborative relationships with several companies that offer expert appraisal services and medical-legal consultations, ensuring nationwide coverage. Our partner companies are leaders in the insurance services sector and have established diverse networks of professionals who have joined forces to provide the best possible performance.