Thanks to our highly specialized team of professionals, certified management processes, ongoing reserving procedures, and a dedicated web portal for specific management, we are able to provide an extensive array of services and functionalities in liability insurance.

These include:

1. Claims Handling: Efficient and timely management of liability claims.
2. Risk Assessment: Thorough evaluation of potential risks and exposures.
3. Policy Analysis: Detailed examination of liability insurance policies.
4. Legal Support: Access to legal experts for guidance in liability cases.
5. Reporting: Comprehensive reports and analytics for informed decision-making.
6. Customer Support: Dedicated assistance for clients throughout the process.

Our commitment to excellence ensures that our clients receive top-notch services in the field of liability insurance.

Professional Liability

Comprehensive management of policies designed for professionals, marked by technical intricacy and significant costs. Since 2010, we have been actively overseeing claims for all Notaries in Italy. Furthermore, our structure is equipped to proficiently handle claims for various professionals, including lawyers, business experts, engineers, surveyors, architects, and more.


Third-Party and Employee Liability Insurance (RCT/O)

Comprehensive handling of claims stemming from Third-Party and Employee Liability Insurance policies (RCT/O), for both private individuals and public entities, encompassing deductible and non-deductible claims.

Legal Protection

Thorough management of legal protection policies, which encompass expenses that the policyholder might face in criminal or civil legal disputes.

Public Administration Liability

Thorough management of policies established to safeguard the institutional activities of public entities and the professional activities of their employees.

Medical Malpractice Liability

Comprehensive administration of policies designed to safeguard healthcare facilities or individual physicians. With years of experience in handling these claims, which are marked by their specific complexity and high costs, we have successfully managed to contain the latter.



We offer comprehensive outsourcing solutions to Public Administrations and Local Authorities, including Municipalities, Regions, Metropolitan Cities, as well as public and private Healthcare Companies. These entities seek to entrust a specialized external partner with the management and settlement of claims within the scope of “self-insured retention” or deductible claims (SIR – Self Insured Retention).

Through our dedicated software, which can be tailored to meet specific client needs, we provide the tools required for the organized and consistent initiation of self-insured claims management.

Throughout this process, we ensure:

Ongoing communication with the Client, aimed at optimizing claim management and addressing related issues.
Consulting and support services, including data analysis and the creation of customized reports on claims management. These services are designed to enhance the understanding of technical performance within the relevant sector for both public and private Clients.
Participation in Claims Evaluation Committees, where we collaborate to share insights on claim trends and assessments with our Clients.


RUN-OFF  Portfolio Management

We offer highly specialized services for the proactive management of run-off and “back book” insurance portfolios. With our dedicated teams of specialist run-off adjusters, we excel at eliminating claims backlogs and extracting value from these portfolios. By collaboratively establishing settlement policies and targets with our clients, we can achieve a wide range of key objectives, including:

1. Claims Resolution: Swiftly and effectively resolving outstanding claims.
2. Cost Reduction: Identifying cost-saving opportunities to maximize profitability.
3. Risk Mitigation: Managing and mitigating risks associated with run-off portfolios.
4. Optimizing Assets: Strategically managing and optimizing assets within the back book.
5. Compliance: Ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements.
6. Customer Satisfaction: Maintaining positive relationships with policyholders and stakeholders.

Our tailored approach and expertise in run-off management allow us to deliver tangible results and create value from your legacy insurance portfolios.